Big Benefits of Launching a Business Podcast

If you’re in the business world, you know how quickly technology influences marketing trends. What used to be strange, unknown, or even nonexistent is now the bold new frontier in marketing. And when it comes to staying ahead of the trends, marketers and business professionals have to be willing to take the leap. For example, take the podcast. 

Podcasts are a relatively new form of media but have significantly grown in popularity over the last decade or so. Today, according to an Infinite Dial Study conducted in 2018, nearly two-thirds of Americans are familiar with podcasts, and 44% of them age 12 and older have listened to one. The podcast audience is growing, so businesses are jumping on board with their marketing. We’ve put together a list of the big benefits of launching a business podcast.

Podcasts drive traffic

Establishing a podcast is the perfect way to add in another stream of traffic generation for the company. Podcasts allow the business to reach out to new and various audience members. The more audience members who listen to your podcast, the more who will subscribe and the more they will recommend it to others around them. These streams of traffic can help drive in new leads for the business to explore later on.

Podcasts build better relationships

While you can definitely demonstrate voice through media like blog articles or website content, nothing truly exemplifies it like your voice itself. People listen to podcasts because they believe they have something in common with the speaker. Even though a podcast is a one-sided medium, listeners still feel a certain camaraderie with the presenter. This commonality establishes a solid foundation to build a positive relationship on, which generates leads.



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