5 tips for efficient large format printing

The moment you start planning to print a billboard poster or a giant banner, then the only challenge which you will get is to get the large print perfect. Moreover, it has also been noticed that not all the files are compatible with the large print. And even if you make a small mistake, then it can turn out to be an expensive problem for the project. Apart from all this, the Large Printing Chicago Company prints the large format banner on pricey material like vinyl or plastic. You might not be having an idea that they also make use of some special costly ink so that it can easily withstand the bad weather conditions. If you are planning to select the Large Format Printing Chicago, then there are certain points which you need to keep in your mind.
1. Do the right, required settings in your camera – It is always advisable to change the settings of your camera if you are planning to change the picture into the large format print. The best thing you can do for the setting of the camera is, change it to the largest image size and make it to the highest resolution possible. Make sure that you do all this setting before the shooting of the picture. And do not forget to take the picture in the raw format instead of the JPG one.
2. Perform proper math – Well, you must also be aware of the fact that irrespective of the good appearance of the picture on screen. It is completely impossible to predict the way the image with the look on the large print. This can only be predicted by the good Printing Companies Chicago. If you want to get the proper maximum print size of a photograph, then you need to divide the width as well as the height by three hundred. But while performing the calculation, you need to make sure that the dimensions are in pixel.
3. Do not try to scale up images – Most important thing that you must keep in your mind is that you do not rely on the photo editing software to resize an image. If you are making use of the resizing feature, then there are chances that the image will result in the heavy pixilation.
4. Use vector graphics to get clarity of the image – Vector graphics are made up of paths instead of the pixels. The main benefit of the vector image is that it can easily be scaled up to the extremely large or small size without any loss in the quality of the image.
5. Find as well as fix the error automatically – Finding and fixing the error is one of the most important things which you need to do. The reason behind this is that even a small mistake can result in a big loss. Thus, instead of spending your valuable time in looking for the issues, you can simply opt for some premium software. This will help you to get rid of the mistakes in just a few clicks.
You will be amazed to know that there are few software’s available which can easily detect the errors automatically and they can also fix the potential printing errors. Thus, it can be said that by making use of this software, you can be relaxed that your large format print will look perfect. If you are planning to get number of prints to be done, then you can simply opt for the Offset Printing Chicago. The offset printing can also help you in getting the work done very fast.
ABC Printing Company
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Phone: (773) 774-8282
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Thank you for your 5 greats tips to have an efficient large format printing. Those advice will be taken in consideration in the future. Thanks again for your article.