Commercial Printing: RGB and CMYK Color Modes Explained
A lot goes behind commercial printing. Right from the printing technology to the color combinations, everything has to be selected carefully. Today we are going to share some in-depth information about how color modes work. After reading this article, you'll have a better understanding of how color modes and commercial printing , its functions, and the use of color. So without any further delay, let's start digging into commercial printing! What Is RGB Color? RGB stands for Red, Green, and Blue. It is a popular additive model. The reason why it is called an additive model is because it adds the highest strength of all the colors present in the light together to give you the required color. RGB is a famous color concept used in the printing industry and even computers. RGB color model is used to display different colors on a computer screen. So now you know how important it is for the printing world. It helps build color patterns for designs. It would be right to conclude th...